Delicious apple-banana bone biscuits Only the best ingredients are used, some even from organic farming. You will look in vain for artificial flavors and attractants, the wonderfully festive aroma comes from fragrant spices. The bones are made by hand in Germany.
Content: 100g (39.90€/kg)
Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Hunde. Bitte stets ausreichend frisches Wasser dem Hund zur Verfügung stellen.
Dinkel (44,2%), Haferflocken (17,7%), Amaranth (17,3%), Früchte (Banane, Apfel, Aprikose 16,8%), Sonnenblumenkerne (3,5%), Gewürz (Anis, Zimt, Fenchel 0,5%)
Analyse:Rohprotein 12,6%, Rohöle und Fette 6,4%, Rohasche 1,8%, Rohfaser 2,3%, Feuchtigkeit 8,9%