High-quality beef has a lot of easily digestible proteins and nutrients for a healthy and active life for your dog.
With our PURE wet food series, you get nutritious, complete dog food that is transparent in composition.
From €5.52/kg
Alleinfuttermittel für ausgewachsene Hunde.
Rind (70%), Fleischbrühe vom Rind (29%), Mineralstoffe (1%).
Analytische Bestandteile:
Rohprotein (10,8%), Rohfett (8,5%), Rohasche (2,2%), Rohfaser (0,3%), Feuchtigkeit (75%).
1x400g (7,48€/kg)
1x800g (6,24€/kg)
6x400g (7,08€/kg)
6x800g (5,83€/kg)
12x400g (6,87€/kg)
12x800g (5,52€/kg)