Lamb pieces, beef with noodles & cranberry

3,99 € Regular price
Tax included.

Our squeezes contain the best wet food with a fruity component for a refreshing taste experience for your dog!

Content: 300g (13.30€/kg)

Alleinfuttermittel für ausgewachsene Hunde.

Zusammensetzung:Rind (34%), Brühe (28,9%), Kalb (20%), Lamm (10%), Nudeln (4%), Cranberries (2%), Mineralstoffe (1%), Disteöl (0,1%)

Analytische Bestandteile:Rohprotein (10,8%), Rohfett (8,5%), Rohasche (3%), Rohfaser (0,3%), Feuchtigkeit (75%).

Inhalt: 300g pro Pouchbeutel