Perfectly suitable for dogs with food intolerances: apart from muscle meat and horse offal, no other types of meat are used to meet the special requirements. Low in fat, highly digestible and very wholesome.
From €7.81/kg
Alleinfuttermittel für ausgewachsene Hunde.
Pferd (68%), Fleischbrühe vom Pferd (30%), Mineralstoffe (2%).
Analytische Bestandteile:
Rohprotein (12%), Rohfett (6%), Rohasche (1,8%), Rohfaser (0,5%), Feuchtigkeit (78%).
1x400g (12,48€/kg)
1x800g (8,74€/kg)
6x400g (11,66€/kg)
6x800g (8,12€/kg)
12x400g (11,04€/kg)
12x800g (7,81€/kg)